Meetings and Reports


October 19, 2023

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Robert Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman stated
that notice had been given to the Herald Newspapers, the official paper and is posted on the
bulletin board of the Middle Township Municipal Hall as required by P.L. 1975, c231, the
Sunshine Law.

Roll call was taken with commissioners Robert Zimmerman, Conrad Johnson, Jenifer Sill, J.
Gregory Neill, and Jean Zimmerman present. Richard Braslow, Attorney and David McNally, CPA
of Holt McNally and Associates, were absent.

COMMUNICATION: Jean Zimmerman said she received emails from the Atlantic City Press and
Column. Column is a software tool that makes it easier as a new self serve option for placing
legal ads and public notices in the Atlantic City Press. She also stated that she has not been able
to join the link and is not sure if the option of emailing ads is still available.

OLD BUSINESS: none at this time

NEW BUSINESS: The 2022 Audit was received and reviewed by all commissioners. Robert
Zimmerman read the 2022 Audit Resolution. Motion Greg Neill, second Conrad Johnson to
approve the Audit as read. All commissioners voted aye. A Group Affidavit was signed by all
commissioners and notarized.
Greg Neill said he had contacted Ford, Scott and Associates, CPAs and was waiting to hear back
from them. They are going to put something together.

CHIEF’S REPORT: 324 fire calls; waiting for the remaining tires to come in for the tanker, rear
tires are in, waiting for front tires; 700 mobile radio for tanker has been installed; Quint
attended Fire Prevention Day at Middle Township #1 with about 150 or more kids; November 8,
2023 Wildwood Fire is doing training on an Elevator Class; service order for nine (9) items
requested for repair has been placed: Tanker: tires are going on eight years, heat wrap around
the SCR DPF crossover pipe is missing, air dryer filter is due for a new filter; Quint: 1 – the CAFs
flow transmitter is stuck on 172 CFMs, 2 – oil leak near the driver side front of the engine, CAM
SENSOR?, 3 – needs engine air filter, 4 – oil temperature gauge for the CAFs compressor is
broken, 5 – harness plugs in the engine valve cover are leaking oil, 6 – two batteries failed load
test, 2 quotes from Shop 1 and Fire & Safety (battery dates June 18, 2023), 7 – aerial hydraulic
pressure gauge is bad, fluid is gone and high pressure readings.

FIRE BUREAU: Greg Neill reported that it’s the end of the year for food trucks. There was an
issue with the township not contacting the food trucks prior to the new ordinance. The food
trucks are upset with being charged a fee. The township is going to have a meeting with the
food trucks to discuss their issues and try to work with them.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Robert Zimmerman read the bills, motion by resolution to pay the bills
by Conrad Johnson, second Greg Neill, of $30,407.77. Motion carried. Jen Sill said the
accountant would like to have the vouchers signed whenever possible by the vendors or
recipients of the checks.

Jean Zimmerman, Secretary

