Meetings and Reports


November 16, 2023

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Robert Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman stated
that notice had been given to the Herald Newspapers, the official paper and is posted on the
bulletin board of the Middle Township Municipal Hall as required by P.L. 1975, c231, the
Sunshine Law.
Roll call was taken with commissioners Robert Zimmerman, Conrad Johnson, Jenifer Sill, J.
Gregory Neill, and Jean Zimmerman present. Also present were Rio Grande Fire Chief Howard
Graham, Harold VanArtsdalen, Kirby Stiltner, Bob Sweeten. Richard Braslow, Attorney and
David McNally, CPA of Holt McNally and Associates, were absent.
COMMUNICATION: Robert Zimmerman received plans for a new development on the drawing
board near Joe Canal’s. The developer asked the Fire District about going to the township for a
variance to build up to 45’ or 10’ above the current township ordinance. Robert asked the
commissioners on their feelings about this variance request. A lengthy discussion followed.
OLD BUSINESS: Robert Zimmerman said that he had uploaded the 2022 Audit to the state.
NEW BUSINESS: Robert Zimmerman read the 2024 Fire District Budget Resolution and the
Annual Budget as introduced reflects Total Revenues of $909,619.00 which includes an amount
to be raised by taxation of $812,315.00 and Total Appropriations of $909,619.00. Robert
Zimmerman, Conrad Johnson, Jenifer Sill, J. Gregory Neill and Jean Zimmerman all voted aye on
the resolution. Jean Zimmerman reminded everyone that there will be a public hearing at
6:45pm on Thursday, December 21, 2023 for the proposed 2024 Annual Budget.
Robert Zimmerman read Resolution 2023-12 Establishing the Compensation for the Members
of the Board of Commissioners for the Fiscal Year 2024. He said that he had already sent the
resolution to Middle Township for approval at their next township meeting. Roll call of all
commissioners present voting aye.
Bob Sweeten said three (3) members that were fully vested in LOSAP have separated service.
He also mentioned that he will have the amount for the new truck at next month’s meeting.
CHIEF’S REPORT: 357 fire calls; still waiting for the front tires to come in for the tanker; looking
for traffic vests price comparisons; Christmas parades season starting up; elevator drill was
cancelled but is now rescheduled for December 13 in Wildwood; five (5) members going to

extrication class at the Fire Academy; Utility 7210 has new tires and Quint got new batteries;
still waiting on rest of repairs for Quint and Tanker.
FIRE BUREAU: Greg Neill reported that everything is going well. Discussion with time off and
medical. The State Law requires sick time based on so many hours of work. For every 30 hours
of work, entitled to one (1) hour sick time in 2024. Not knowing the law, in 2023 everyone
received 40 hours of sick time. No fees increase for the last two years. No fee schedule put in
for this year.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Robert Zimmerman read the bills, motion by resolution to pay the bills
by Conrad Johnson, second Greg Neill, of $10,824.62. Motion carried. Jenifer Sill mentioned
that we had a CD that matured a few days ago and was rolled into a new, much better rate CD.
The old rate was .08%, the new rate is 4.35%. There will be another CD maturing in December.

Jean Zimmerman, Secretary

