Meetings and Reports

March 16, 2023 – Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Robert Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman stated that notice had been given to the Herald Newspapers, the official paper and is posted on the bulletin board of the Middle Township Municipal Hall as required by P.L. 1975, c231, the Sunshine Law.


Roll call was taken with commissioners Robert Zimmerman, Conrad Johnson, Jenifer Sill, J. Gregory Neill (zoom) and Jean Zimmerman present. Also present were Rio Grande Fire Chief Howard Graham, Aaron Sill, Bob Sweeten, Kirby Stiltner and Harold VanArtsdalen. Richard Braslow, Attorney and David McNally, CPA of Holt McNally and Associates, were absent.


Jean Zimmerman said she received an email from Melodie Sippel, Board of Elections, asking for a copy of the fire district map. She is trying to get new updated fire district maps for the Board of Elections. Jean said she emailed the Fire Bureau with the request. Greg Neill said the township has a copy of all the fire districts but he would contact Melodie to see if she received our fire district map.

Robert Zimmerman received the new contract from Holt McNally. He said the wording is the same as last year except there is a $500 increase in fees.


Jean Zimmerman read the final election results: Robert W. Zimmerman, 123; Conrad Johnson Jr., 117; Kirby Stiltner Jr., 79; write in for Jason Sweitzer, 1. Budget results: Yes 122, No 46.

Jenifer Sill said she was working on the Verizon account. Currently, we are paying $282/mo for slow internet and six (6) phone lines. She contacted Comcast Business and had a quote of $472.79 for faster internet, six (6) phone lines and a basic cable package. She will check with Comcast about dropping some of their services to lower their quote. Greg Neill wants to go with Comcast Business so that it’s in our name and not the fire company’s name. Jen said that their service would be available to the whole building. This will not affect the trucks, only the building.


Motion Conrad Johnson, second Jenifer Sill to pay 2022 LOSAP for 24 qualified members at $40,626.24


59 fire calls; Safety Officer, Scott Foster passed away on February 23rd, 2023; talked with Mike from Fire Store and was told the air packs are about 12 weeks out; a meeting was held at County Commons about the alarm issues and went over the panels. Each panel is going to be labeled and all alarms will activate when the sprinkler activates. The main panel will be located behind Tractor Supply. Saturday, March 18, 2023, Utility 72-1 will get an oil change; 700 new mobile radios were installed in the squad and quint; 2 members attended a Fire Police Class at West Cape May Fire House. They were Ray Letts and JC Winter.


Greg Neill said they held a meeting with Fire Bureau #1 about some miscommunications on the ordinance amendment to food truck issues.

Greg Neill reported they had the latest upgrade to their computer system. He will set up a zoom training for everyone on the upgrades.


Robert Zimmerman read the bills, motion by resolution to pay the bills by Greg Neill, second Conrad Johnson, of $53,640.00. Motion carried. Jenifer Sill requested that all bills be put in her box by 4 pm on the third Wednesday of the month.

Jean Zimmerman, Secretary

