Meetings and Reports


January 18, 2024

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Robert Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman stated
that notice had been given to the Herald Newspapers, the official paper and is posted on the
bulletin board of the Middle Township Municipal Hall as required by P.L. 1975, c231, the
Sunshine Law.
Roll call was taken with commissioners Robert Zimmerman, Conrad Johnson, Jenifer Sill, J.
Gregory Neill, and Jean Zimmerman present. Also present were Rio Grande Fire Chief Howard
Graham, Kirby Stiltner, Bob Sweeten, and Aaron Sill. Richard Braslow, Attorney and David
McNally, CPA of Holt McNally and Associates, were absent.
COMMUNICATION: none at this time
OLD BUSINESS: Jean Zimmerman received three petitions for the February 17, 2024 elections.
They are Jenifer D. Sill, Kirby Stiltner Jr., and Michael J. Voll. She also asked if anyone knew
locations of bulletin boards, within the fire district, for posting notices regarding the Capital
question on the ballot. Jean also asked if anyone knows of two people who would be willing to
sit as poll sitters for the elections from 2-9pm on February 17th. Terri and Melanie
VanArtsdalen are unable to sit this year. Jean mentioned that last year we printed 800 ballots
with 550 going to the County Clerk. The County Clerk currently has 482 requests for mail in
ballots. We will stay the same numbers for this year.
NEW BUSINESS: Robert Zimmerman read two resolutions which were Resolution 2024-01
Establishment of Salaries and Wages for Hourly Wages for Full Time and Part Time Positions for
Fiscal Year 2024 and Resolution 2024-02 Authorizing Placement of Capital Question on Annual
Election Ballot. All commissioners present voted aye to accept both resolutions.
Robert Zimmerman had a proposal from Ford Scott and Associates, Accountants, for their
services for the 2023 Audit. Greg Neill said he would like to change to them. Robert has not yet
received a new engagement letter from Holt McNally for the 2023 Audit. He also asked for
authorization to be able to talk to Ford Scott about the logistics of purchasing the fire truck
before the Re-Organization meeting in March.
Bob Sweeten reported that he had not seen the CPI number for LOSAP yet. He can’t post the
list yet since he needs to check on three (3) members. As of now, there are 21 members who
qualify. He would like to finish it up at the March meeting.

Bob Sweeten said he had an application from the NJ State Firemen’s Association for Julio E.
Rivera Santos. Motion Greg Neill, second Conrad Johnson to approve the application for Julio E.
Rivera Santos to the NJ State Firemen’s Association.
When asked about any updates on the truck, Bob Sweeten said they are waiting on the
preliminary blueprint of the truck.
CHIEF’S REPORT: 14 fire calls; 405 total fire calls last year; as of January 9 th , the tires for the
tanker are still on back order because Goodyear is switching production to military and won’t
start back up again until March with no guarantee when delivery. Chief Graham asked about
switching brands and was given the okay to do so; three (3) sets of gear need patching; one (1)
member attending Firefighter 1; several members attending classes in Avalon; would like
approval of $400.00 for mandatory training with Tony Robinson; Barry fixed three (3) items on
Quint which were gauge up on turn table and oil pressure gauge on pump panel, license plate
light and air filter/flow meter; had to replace batteries in the Chief’s Tahoe; looking to get the
oil changed on both Tahoes as well as replacing the tires. Robert asked him to hold off for now.
Chief Graham announced the 2024 Officers and Line Numbers. They are: Chief 72 Howard
Graham, Assistant Chief 72 James Belles, Captain 72 Charlie Cripps, Captain 72-1 Aaron Sill,
Lieutenant 72 John Thomson, Lieutenant 72-1 Ronald Panebianco, Lieutenant 72-2 Wayne Hall,
Lieutenant 72-3 John Kendrick, Safety 72 Dan DeSimone, Safety 72-1 Helen Graham.
FIRE BUREAU: Greg Neill reported that Jenny sent us a letter stating that they are still waiting
for Division of Fire and Safety to approve the ordinance.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Robert Zimmerman read the bills, motion by resolution to pay the bills
by Jenifer Sill, second Greg Neill, of $41,421.05. Motion carried.
Jean Zimmerman, Secretary

