Meetings and Reports

February 16, 2023 – Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Robert Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman stated that notice had been given to the Herald Newspapers, the official paper and is posted on the bulletin board of the Middle Township Municipal Hall as required by P.L. 1975, c231, the Sunshine Law.


Roll call was taken with commissioners Robert Zimmerman, Conrad Johnson, Jenifer Sill, J. Gregory Neill and Jean Zimmerman present. Also present were Aaron Sill and John Menz. Richard Braslow, Attorney and David McNally, CPA of Holt McNally and Associates, were absent.


Jean Zimmerman said she received emails from the County Clerk and Lee Ann Russ, Tax Assessor for Middle Township. They each sent their fire election results sheets to be filled in and returned after elections.

Robert Zimmerman stated that the 2023 Budget was approved by the DCA.


None at this time.


Jean Zimmerman said the brown, wooden ballot box is missing and that it held all the election supplies – all the old and current registration books, signs, etc. She said she would get a new registration book but wondered what we could use for the ballot box. Robert Zimmerman said he would look at Staples and see what they had. Jen Sill said she had canvas that could be used to recover the voting booth. Jean mentioned that next month’s meeting will start at 6:45pm for the Re-Organization Meeting followed by the regular meeting at 7pm.

Bob Sweeten gave his LOSAP report to Robert Zimmerman since he wasn’t available for tonight’s meeting. There are 25 qualified members for their 2022 LOSAP. Any member who didn’t qualify and feels there is a discrepancy can appeal by writing a letter prior to March 3, 2023. Based on last year’s payment of $1577.60 per member, that would be $39,440 for 25 members. With the CPI adjustment of 7.3%, 25 members would be $1692.76 each for a total of $42,319. Motion Conrad Johnson, second Greg Neill to do the increased amount for LOSAP.

Robert Zimmerman mentioned that there were two members with military status one of whom is Richard Sweeten Jr. Richard has already received his five years LOSAP payment. Robert suggested doing an amendment to LOSAP that will mimic the State Firemen’s Association policy of limiting military active duty payment to five years.


33 fire calls; Chief Howard Graham was unable to attend our meeting but left his report with Chairman Robert Zimmerman. He said they had received the gear from 2022 on February 10, 2023; FEMA grant was submitted on February 2, 2023 for a total of $239,139.50 with the fire company paying 5% of that which is $11,387.60; two members are attending a fire police class at West Cape May Firehouse. Chief Graham also wanted to discuss a bill that he received about the county system we use and share called RMS/INFO. They sent a bill for a $3,000 yearly service. He said that when we switched we were told that all fees would be covered by Middle Township. Robert Zimmerman said there was no agreement signed with the company and that the other three districts had been contacted also. The bill is being contested by three of four districts.


Greg Neill said he was working on a few things.


Robert Zimmerman read the bills, motion by resolution to pay the bills by Greg Neill, second Conrad Johnson, of $38,442.25. Motion carried.

Jean Zimmerman, Secretary

