Meetings and Reports


December 21, 2023

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Robert Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman stated
that notice had been given to the Herald Newspapers, the official paper and is posted on the
bulletin board of the Middle Township Municipal Hall as required by P.L. 1975, c231, the
Sunshine Law.
Roll call was taken with commissioners Robert Zimmerman, Conrad Johnson, Jenifer Sill, J.
Gregory Neill, and Jean Zimmerman present. Also present were Rio Grande Fire Chief Howard
Graham, Harold VanArtsdalen, Aaron Sill and Mike Voll. Richard Braslow, Attorney and David
McNally, CPA of Holt McNally and Associates, were absent.
COMMUNICATION: Jean Zimmerman received a letter from the Herald newspapers thanking us
for using their paper for our public notices.
Fire Official Dan DeSimone contacted Jean Zimmerman about incorrect information on the
Budget Work Session minutes from October. He said the fire inspectors hours are bi-weekly not
weekly. Jean made the correction and reprinted the minutes.
OLD BUSINESS: Robert Zimmerman read the 2024 Adopted Budget Resolution that the Annual
Budget as presented for adoption reflects Total Revenues of $909,619.00 which includes an
amount to be raised by taxation of $812,315.00 and Total Appropriations of $909,619.00.
Robert Zimmerman, Conrad Johnson, Jenifer Sill, J. Gregory Neill and Jean Zimmerman all voted
aye on the resolution.
NEW BUSINESS: Jean Zimmerman handed out petitions to Jenifer Sill and Mike Voll for election
in February. She reminded them that the signed and notarized petitions need to be returned by
January 18 th , 2024 meeting. She also mentioned that she was leaving petitions in her box in case
someone should ask for one.
The Rio Grande Fire Company received a letter from Atlantic City Electric regarding the
efficiency of their lighting. They have a program for replacing old equipment with energy
efficient. An adjuster came out and talked with some people from the fire company and gave
an estimate of $79,000 but was adjusted to $52,938.80 after the building committee made
some changes. 106 items would be replaced with energy efficient replacements. Robert
Zimmerman thought the fire district could pay two thirds of this project since it would benefit
the fire district as well. We’ll give a $20,000 deposit now with money in the 2023 budget for fire
company projects and then pay the remaining two thirds balance when the project is

completed in 2024. The fire company has not finalized anything yet. Motion Greg Neill, second
Conrad Johnson to go ahead with this project. All commissioners present voted aye.
Aaron Sill read a letter from Bob Sweeten regarding the new fire truck. The truck committee
would like to replace the 2010 Pierce Quantum 75’ Quint with CAFS with an Enforcer 75’ Quint
with CAFS with a quote of $1,685,323.49 good thru July 31, 2024. This quoted price does not
reflect a trade in or the sale of the Pierce. Bob said that Fire and Safety Services are
experiencing quarterly price increases of 1.5% and would suggest factoring that into the
number put on the ballot. Jean Zimmerman asked for the wording to be put on the ballot and it
was decided to ask Mr. Braslow since this would be the first time we have to finance the
purchase of a new truck.
Jen Sill thought the new computers bought for the chief, assistant chief and tv had possibly
more than they needed and she could’ve saved them a few dollars with her ability to purchase
at a discount. She suggested for future purchases, they check with her since she has some
knowledge of computers and she can help with their needs.
CHIEF’S REPORT: 391 fire calls; having issues with Pack batteries and MSA has been contacted;
hose has been delivered; every member was issued a new safety vest; helping the Middle
Township Police Department with their toy drive on Friday, December 22 nd ; five (5) members
attended the heavy extrication class December 2 nd -3 rd ; one (1) member attended the Fire Police
class; went to Wildwood on December 13 th for elevator drill; still waiting for the rest of repairs
on the quint and tanker; Utility 72 had some work done to the front end on December 7 th ;
Assistant Chief’s car got new tires; Barry was down a few weeks ago to look at the foam issue
on the tanker and had to order a module for it, not sure when it will be delivered; have to fix an
O2 sensor on Sensi detector for $131.60; there are several items on back order which are 2
radios, tires for tanker, 3 helmets and other repairs for quint and tanker.
FIRE BUREAU: Greg Neill reported that everything is going well. Waiting for the township to
pass the ordinance on inspection fee. He said he received statement from Division with yearly
just under $30,000 next year, not sure if life hazard are properly done.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Robert Zimmerman read the bills, motion by resolution to pay the bills
by Conrad Johnson, second Greg Neill, of $23,379.82. Motion carried. Jenifer Sill mentioned
that we had 2 CDs that matured in November and December and were rolled into new, much
better rate CDs.

Jean Zimmerman, Secretary

