Meetings and Reports


July 18, 2024

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Robert Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman stated
that notice had been given to the Herald Newspapers, the official paper and is posted on the
bulletin board of the Middle Township Municipal Hall as required by P.L. 1975, c231, the
Sunshine Law.
Roll call was taken with commissioners Robert Zimmerman, Conrad Johnson, Jenifer Sill, J.
Gregory Neill and Jean Zimmerman present. Also present were Rio Grande Fire Chief Howard
Graham, Fire Official Dan DeSimone and Bob Sweeten. Richard Braslow, Attorney and Leon
Costello, Ford Scott CPA were absent.
COMMUNICATION: Robert Zimmerman emailed Kim Osmundsen, Middle Township’s Township
Clerk, regarding the new development and has had no response from her.
OLD BUSINESS: Jenifer Sill reviewed last month’s conversation about combining emails under
one umbrella domain where everybody gets an email account under it. There is a product from
Google called Workspace, where you can purchase your own domain name for $12.00 per year,
that charges $6.00 per user per month, emails would be centrally managed, have security
features and have plenty of space. Robert Zimmerman said it was something to look into. Greg
Neill suggested the fire company have the chief, president, secretary and treasurer and the
commissioners have the chairman, secretary and treasurer use the domain name address.
Robert thought that maybe Danny, Chief Graham, Jen and himself should sit down in the next
couple of months to discuss this idea. Bob Sweeten reminded everyone that we still need to
attend the second part of the cyber security training. It was decided on August 15 th at 6pm to
have the training.
Bob Sweeten said Robert Zimmerman received a package from Bob Emory of Fire & Safety with
his signature on the purchase order and also included Performance and Payment Bond. The
truck order is now in the que for review.
NEW BUSINESS: Bob Sweeten, Fire Apparatus Coordinator, reported: 2020 Fire Bureau
Gladiator had oil change, tires rotated at Mr. Tire on June 25, 2024 for $97.77; utility was taken
to Mr. Tire on July 6, 2024 for a nail in right rear inner tire, they repaired and rebalanced at no
charge; utility 72 went to Gentilini and had oil change and service on July 17, 2024. The front
brakes needed replacing and the parts were not in stock. Bob called today and was told parts

are in but won’t have truck done until Monday or Tuesday. Graphics needed a purchase order
to get scheduled. He will fax over the purchase order tomorrow to get scheduled.
Bob Sweeten had one (1) application for the NJ Firemen’s Association. He is, Sean M. Bey, who
is a new member. Motion Conrad Johnson, second Greg Neill to accept the application for Sean
M. Bey. All commissioners present voted aye.
Jenifer Sill questioned Rio Grande Fire Company President Dan DeSimone about the status of
the AC Electric project. He said the company has applied for 0% financing. Robert Zimmerman,
treasurer of the fire company, said he has filled out the application and that it was for four (4)
years. Jen wanted to know why they were financing when the commissioners were giving 2/3
the amount towards the project. She said that approximately $35,000 of $52,000 would be paid
by the commissioners. Dan said they wanted to finance the whole amount because it is at 0%
and they have other projects coming up and that the current project is not 100% completed.
Dan has asked for a final bill and contract from AC Electric.
CHIEF’S REPORT: 184 fire calls; Aerial inspection was done July 8, 2024, ground ladders and
Quint had the heat sensors on all ladders, including ground ladders replaced; MES – Tanker
jaws completed June 25, 2024 with replacement of the hydraulic hoses for the tools due to
damage hoses; gas detector has been returned and working good, mother board had to be
replaced; joint “Jaws of Life” drill next Wednesday with Middle Township Ambulance Corps,
they have a few new people who need training.
FIRE BUREAU: Dan DeSimone said the Chapin House has been unoccupied for four (4) years
with five (5) different owners in that time. He finally received a contact name for inspections
through tax records. This person gave Dan a name who will be available when and if he is
needed. They will be prepping to do an inspection this year.
Dan DeSimone wanted to know who his backup is when he is unavailable. There has been no
official backup since 2020. He said that Ron Panebianco, Mike Quigley and Kirby Stiltner Jr all
have their fire official licenses. It was decided that seniority would be backup making Mike
Quigley, Kirby Stiltner Jr and then Ron Panebianco in that order. If needed, Conrad Johnson,
Fire Marshall, said he could be contacted.
Dan DeSimone is having a problem collecting fees. He said that they always had a lawyer follow
up at the end of the year for collections. He would like to have a local lawyer who could fulfill
this job. There was a misunderstanding between Dan and Robert Zimmerman regarding the
services of Mr. Braslow. Jean Zimmerman suggested a collection agency. Dan said they have to
give three (3) warnings before fining. He has one account that has $15,000.00 owed and
doesn’t return calls. Robert Zimmerman said that Mr. Braslow could be contacted to help with
this problem.
Dan DeSimone said the state gave them a warning on the food truck permits. They are not
allowed to charge an annual fee of $214.00 in Fire District #2, they have to charge the $54.00

per event per vendor fee according to the code change in April 15, 2024. Middle Township
Guidelines allow the vendors to stay six (6) hours in one location. The township also collects a
$75.00 fee from the vendors before getting their permits from the district.
Dan DeSimone also mentioned that as of April 24, 2024 the state will collect the life hazard fees
on motels while the fire district does the inspections. The fire district will get something from
the state in pay. Motels will not be controlled by the district. Retreats are also considered life
hazard inspections. New rules and guidelines from the state prohibit any mulch up against a
building on any businesses. Businesses have one (1) year to remove any mulch that is next to
their building.
Dan DeSimone said the fire company received a certified letter regarding the new development
that is proposed on North Railroad Avenue. Apparently the plans are only reviewable with an
appointment from Trenton. Dan has talked with Vince Orlando, Engineer for Middle Township,
who said this project has not taken off yet. Zoning Board said this is just a proposal at this time.
They also said that when it does come through Planning the fire company will get a copy of the
plans for their comments.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Robert Zimmerman read the bills, motion by resolution to pay the bills
by Greg Neill, second Conrad Johnson, of $24,557.22. Motion carried. Jenifer Sill provided the
commissioners with a Profit and Loss Comparison from January to June 2023 with January to
June 2024.

Jean Zimmerman, Secretary

