Meetings and Reports


June 20, 2024

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Robert Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman stated
that notice had been given to the Herald Newspapers, the official paper and is posted on the
bulletin board of the Middle Township Municipal Hall as required by P.L. 1975, c231, the
Sunshine Law.
Roll call was taken with commissioners Robert Zimmerman, Conrad Johnson, Jenifer Sill, and
Jean Zimmerman present. Also present were Rio Grande Fire Chief Howard Graham, Aaron Sill
and Bob Sweeten. J. Gregory Neill, Richard Braslow, Attorney and Leon Costello, Ford Scott CPA
were absent.
COMMUNICATION: none at this time
OLD BUSINESS: Robert Zimmerman received a Purchase Order for the new truck and gave
copies to the commissioners. He had multiple conversations with Bob Emory who said that by
signing and approving the Purchase Order tonight, the price would be locked in at the current
price which is $1,685,318.14. Mr. Braslow and Bob Emory both approved the Purchase Order.
When the Purchase Order is received by Bob Emory, it will be about a four (4) year wait. Motion
Conrad Johnson, second Jenifer Sill to make a resolution to sign and approve the Purchase
Order tonight to purchase an Aerial Ladder. All commissioners present voted aye.
NEW BUSINESS: Conrad Johnson expressed concern for the proposed new development on
North Railroad Avenue in Rio Grande. He wondered if there had been any discussion with the
fire company, fire chief or commissioners about the impact it would have on the fire company
and the extra traffic. He said the drawing that came with the residents’ letter was not very clear
about the size of the streets, curbs or size of buildings for total of 220 living units. Connie
thought that as a fire company and fire commissioner, we should be able to weigh in on it or
have more information. He wondered at the fire perspective of it, the width of the streets, size
of the streets, number of housing units and distance between housing units. There have been
no official plans received yet to the fire company or fire district. Connie also questioned if there
would be any kind of tax waivers, abatements for 5-10 years as in previous years or will the
commissioners see any bonus coming back to them. Jean Zimmerman read from the letter
mailed out that they are proposing 98 townhomes, 124 apartment units, 24 buildings and 484
parking spaces which has to be authorized by the NJDEP. Connie said there is one entrance and
exit on Railroad Avenue. Another concern was getting the fire trucks in and out of the
development plus getting around in the development.

Bob Sweeten, Fire Apparatus Coordinator, reported: May 22nd 2017 Chevrolet Tahoe used by
Fire Bureau had oil change and new tires for $1110.76; May 23rd 2020 Chief’s Chevrolet Tahoe
had oil change and new tires for $977.91; June 1st 2014 Ford Expedition had oil change, brake
pads, rotors for $781.07; Ford Expedition AC was checked and recharged for $267.45. Bob had a
quote for the graphics on the two (2) Fire Bureau vehicles, the Tahoe and Expedition, of
$2,013.50.The Expedition is $1,156 plus $395 for removal of graphics and the Red Tahoe is
$462.50. There will be patches on the doors that say Fire Inspection Prevention Bureau, Middle
Township. On both sides of the trucks will be the words Fire Prevention.
Bob Sweeten had two (2) applications for the NJ Firemen’s Association. They are Julio Rivera
who is transferring from Wildwood Crest, NJ and Nicklous J. Adkins Jr. who is a new member.
Motion Conrad Johnson, second Jenifer Sill to accept the application for Julio Rivera. Motion
Conrad Johnson, second Jenifer Sill to accept the application for Nicklous J. Adkins Jr.
Bob Sweeten gets weekly reminders about taking the second part of the computer security
course. He asked Jenifer Sill to contact Varvara Keun from Middle Township regarding
computer and email security because of cyber security. Fire Bureau has one (1) email that is
shared according to Jenifer Sill. Jen said we could create a custom domain that would cover
everybody, Fire Bureau, Fire Company and Commissioners, keeping them all together. There is
a cost. If you umbrella everyone together under same domain, then we are not paying separate
fees. She can get a price from Google.
CHIEF’S REPORT: 156 fire calls; physicals are scheduled for August 7 th starting at 3pm; there are
a bunch of special events coming up starting in July through August; update on the gas detector
is that it failed another O2 sensor and Fire Store shipped the detector out to the manufacturer
for repairs thinking that it may be something within the motherboard; June 26 th there will be a
water rescue awareness drill; Julio Rivera Jr. graduated FireFighter 1; Services include Mistras –
pump testing on June 17 th with all trucks passing; Aerial inspection – ground ladders and Quint
are scheduled for July 8 th ; Blaze – Amkus Jaws, squad, had services on May 17 th with no issues;
Hose testing – FD services on June 10 th lost 4 sections of 5’ inch hose off squad, lost 1 length of
1¾ , estimated to be 15 weeks; MES – Tanker jaws on June 25 th ; flow testing, SCBA, completed
June 11-12; still working on battery issue. Chief Graham questioned about the RIT packs that
were budgeted at last year’s budget meeting. He wanted to know when he could start getting
prices for them. Robert Zimmerman told him he could start getting prices.
FIRE BUREAU: Greg Neill was absent
TREASURER’S REPORT: Robert Zimmerman read the bills, motion by resolution to pay the bills
by Jenifer Sill, second Conrad Johnson, of $23,521.93. Motion carried.
Jean Zimmerman, Secretary

