Meetings and Reports


April 18, 2024

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Robert Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman stated
that notice had been given to the Herald Newspapers, the official paper and is posted on the
bulletin board of the Middle Township Municipal Hall as required by P.L. 1975, c231, the
Sunshine Law.
Roll call was taken with commissioners Robert Zimmerman, Conrad Johnson, Jenifer Sill, J.
Gregory Neill, and Jean Zimmerman present. Also present were Rio Grande Fire Chief Howard
Graham, Bob Sweeten. Richard Braslow, Attorney and Leon Costello, Ford Scott CPA were
COMMUNICATION: none at this time
OLD BUSINESS: none at this time
NEW BUSINESS: Robert Zimmerman said Resolution 2022-2 was amended. This resolution is
the Establishment of Paid Time Off for Part Time Employees of Middle Township Fire District #2.
Motion Greg Neill, second Conrad Johnson to accept the changes.
Robert Zimmerman read Resolution 2024-14 Authorizing the Stipend for the positions of Chief,
Assistant Chief, Captains, and Lieutenants. Conrad Johnson had several questions about
minimum requirements, number of positions changing and vouchers in December will they be
able to be paid in December. Robert Zimmerman said he received an email from the chief
regarding the requirements and said the positions are governed by the by-laws. Jenifer Sill
remarked that we could pay in January to make sure they made their 12 months. She said
January is considered part of the previous year in the eyes of the auditor but the vouchers
would have to be turned in by December’s meeting. Motion Greg Neill, second Conrad Johnson
to adopt as read.
Bob Sweeten has not heard from Rick at Pierce. Robert Zimmerman emailed the commissioners
information from Mr. Braslow regarding the Local Finance Board. Robert said he is on the fence
if we have to use the Local Finance Board but also doesn’t want to keep wasting time. After a
lengthy discussion, it was decided to wait until May’s meeting to read Mr. Braslow’s agreement
to possibly appoint them for Bond Counsel but also need an answer from Rick if Pierce/Fire &
Safety will hold the price quote until January 1, 2025.

Bob Sweeten, Fire Apparatus Coordinator, reported no repairs or out of service trucks since
March’s meeting; as the chief said, air compressor was serviced several weeks ago; talked to
chief who wants to start scheduling services on small vehicles first (2 chiefs Tahoes, 2 utilities
and 3 fire bureau vehicles); asked about continuing to use Mr. Tire for gas powered vehicles
and Gentilini for the one diesel utility vehicle; chief has asked for new tires for the 2020 Tahoe
which have not been replaced; chief said the AC is not working in the Quint
Bob Sweeten said that LOSAP is good.
Jenifer Sill was given documents from Robert Zimmerman about township password policy and
cyber security incident response meeting he attended. Jen suggested a centralized email with a
single domain name. A discussion was held regarding personal email addresses.
CHIEF’S REPORT: 79 fire calls; radios ordered in October, 2023 came in and one (1) radio has
been installed in the Chief’s Tahoe, the other one (1) is scheduled for Friday in the Assistant
Chief’s Tahoe; Tanker drill with Court House on Monday, April 22 nd at 6:30pm; air compressor
was serviced on April 9 th ; MSA rep was here today to get data off the air packs because of the
battery drain and will send the info to the engineers; two (2) members completed i400 class at
Atlantic County; one (1) member is going to RIT operation class at Cape May County.
FIRE BUREAU: nothing at this time
TREASURER’S REPORT: Robert Zimmerman read the bills, motion by resolution to pay the bills
by Greg Neill, second Conrad Johnson, of $15,033.58. Motion carried.
Jean Zimmerman, Secretary

