Meetings and Reports


March 21, 2024

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm by Chairman Robert Zimmerman. Robert stated that
notice had been given to the Herald Newspapers, the official paper, and is posted on
the bulletin board of the Middle Township Municipal Hall as required by P.L. 1975, c231,
the Sunshine Law.
Roll call was taken with commissioners Robert Zimmerman, Conrad Johnson, J.
Gregory Neill, and Jenifer Sill present. Also present were Rio Grande Assistant Fire
Chief James Belles, Robert Sweeten, and Scott Sill. Jean Zimmerman, and Richard
Braslow, Attorney, were absent.
COMMUNICATION: Robert Zimmerman relayed the results of the 2024 election. The
fire district budget was passed by the voters 149 yes to 44 no, the resolution for
purchase of a truck was passed by the voters 143 yes to 48 no, and Jenifer Sill was
elected to a three year term.
OLD BUSINESS: Robert Zimmerman stated the Fire Apparatus Coordinator resolution
was read at the February meeting and published in the paper, and there was one
application from Robert Sweeten. Conrad Johnson inquired as to the term of the
position, it was decided it would be a one year term to coincide with the reorganization.
Greg Neill moved that Robert Sweeten be appointed the Fire Apparatus Coordinator
with a one-year term from March 2024 to March 2025. Conrad seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
NEW BUSINESS: Bob Sweeten stated that 21 members qualified for LOSAP for 2023
at a cost of $1809.56 per person for a total of $38,000.76 to be paid to Lincoln
Financial. He stated that Heather Bailey had completed an application to be part of the
NJ State Firemen’s Association. Greg Neill moved to accept the application, second
Conrad Johnson.
Robert Zimmerman stated that with the selection of an accountant, he will now
coordinate with Ford Scott and Associates and Richard Braslow regarding the finance
board process which needs to be completed to finance the new fire truck.
CHIEF’S REPORT: 53 fire calls to date. Tires were replaced on the tanker on February
20th . The Amkus ram was repaired under warranty; they were provided a loaner while it
was out for repair. Two members have registered to take the I400 class. On March 27th ,
members will take part in RIC training at the Villas firehouse. On April 24th , members

will take part in Right to Know and Bloodborne Pathogen classes. The tanker currently
is unable to use foam as they are waiting for Barry to fix the foam valve.
FIRE BUREAU: Greg Neill stated he spoke with Doug Greenberg who had spoken with
the mayor about an ordinance to increase fire inspection fees. Greg, Dan DeSimone,
and Doug will meet later to discuss further communication with the mayor to move this
TREASURER’S REPORT: Robert Zimmerman read the bills, motion by resolution to
pay the bills by Greg Neill, second Conrad Johnson, for a total of $58,467.64. Motion
carried. Jenifer Sill stated that a new checking account was opened to separate the
dedicated penalty funds from the rest of the penalty funds. It is now part of the monthly
MOTION TO ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn the meeting by Conrad Johnson, second
Greg Neill. Motion carried.

Jenifer Sill, Treasurer

