Meetings and Reports

June 15, 2023 – Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Robert Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman stated that notice had been given to the Herald Newspapers, the official paper and is posted on the bulletin board of the Middle Township Municipal Hall as required by P.L. 1975, c231, the Sunshine Law.

Roll call was taken with commissioners Robert Zimmerman, Conrad Johnson, Jenifer Sill, J. Gregory Neill, and Jean Zimmerman present. Also present were Rio Grande Fire Chief Howard Graham, Bob Sweeten. Richard Braslow, Attorney and David McNally, CPA of Holt McNally and Associates, were absent.

COMMUNICATION: none at this time

OLD BUSINESS: Robert Zimmerman said that Comcast is working good.

Bob Sweeten remarked that the Cyber Security training is scheduled for June 28, 2023 at 5:30 pm. There will be 2 – 30 minute sessions. He will also offer the training to other members. Bob Sweeten also said that he still has to get the Arc slash labels for all the panel boxes.

NEW BUSINESS: Based on an Ocean City, Maryland article Conrad Johnson saw regarding the purchase of fire apparatus, he wondered if we should get purchase approval now for our upcoming fire apparatus purchase to save funding. He said there are changes coming for exhaust regulation and may not be able to get the engine we want. There will also be a price increase on the cost of engines. Bob Sweeten said that he was aware of this change and that 2027 is the next change date. Bob also said we should change from 5 year program to 7 years between trucks giving them a lifespan from 15 to 21 years for trucks. He also wondered if a conversation with Pierce could lock in at the current engine model. Currently, there is a delivery time of 3 years for the trucks. Robert Zimmerman asked Bob Sweeten to bring to the August meeting what the truck committee is looking for. A discussion was held about placing on the 2024 ballot with a 2025 order being placed.

CHIEF’S REPORT: 162 fire calls; still waiting on a date for when the air packs will be delivered; hosted a sprinkler demo on May 24th with 48 members in total from Cape May Court House and Green Creek fire companies; Chief’s Tahoe windshield was replaced June 15th; annual hose testing was completed June 1st. Lost 2 – 100’ lengths of 5” and 1 – 50’ length of 2½”. There is about a 24 to 30 week wait for replacement. Still waiting on a date for aerial testing; pump testing was completed on May 31st with the Tanker – good, Squad – good, Quint passed but the pump shaft seal leaking, forwarded to Barry for when he comes to do the yearly service; MES Tanker jaws will be getting serviced on July 25th; Blaze Squad jaws yearly PM still waiting for a date.

FIRE BUREAU: Greg Neill reported that he and Dan DeSimone are trying to get a handle on the outstanding bills. He also said that the time clock is working but had a small glitch on the first paycheck which will be corrected on the next paycheck. He still hasn’t heard anything on the changed ordinance.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Robert Zimmerman read the bills, motion by resolution to pay the bills by Conrad Johnson, second Greg Neill, of $10,729.74. Motion carried. Jenifer Sill said that she printed a check detail report along with the reports. Conrad Johnson questioned who Hill Wallack were on the bills and was told by Bob Sweeten that they are a lawyer firm representing the fire company in the Boy Scout suit.

Jean Zimmerman, Secretary

